What with the Assault on Black Reach models and a carrier bag I found containing all the models from 2nd edition Warhammer 40k I have a few Orks. At the moment it is a bit of a ropey army but it will impove over time.
Warboss with TL Shoota, Power Claw, Cybork Body, Eavy Armour. 105 points
10 Nobz in Eavy Armour 250 points (count as troops)
20 Ork Boyz, 18 slugga/choppa, 2 Big Shootas 130 points
20 Ork Boyz, 20 slugga/choppas 120 points
15 Gretchin, 1 Runtherd, 55 points
20 Ork Boyz, 20 slugga/choppas 120 points
15 Gretchin, 1 Runtherd, 55 points
Fast Attack
3 Deffkoptas with TL Rokit Launchas 135 points
Heavy Support
Coming soon...